Amplifying Research episodes [[bpstrwcotob]]
Popular topics:
- Public engagement
- Storytelling
- Career development
- Team alignment
- Your pitch
- Making your work relatable
- Talks and presentations
- Mentorship
- Strategic comms
- Communicating in different formats/mediums
- Stakeholder/audience mapping
- Listening
- Strategy
- CALD/multicultural communities
- Collaborating with professional staff
- Comedy
- Failure
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Philanthropic funding
24. Pop Culture Power: Dr Jennifer Beckett and Dr Eloise Faichney on boosting engagement with marketing know-how
We dive into the worlds of marketing and pop culture with Dr. Jennifer Beckett and Dr. Eloise Faichney. They share lessons from industry that researchers can apply to engage the public, boost their research visibility, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.
Popular topics:
- Public engagement
- Storytelling
- Career development
- Team alignment
- Your pitch
- Making your work relatable
- Talks and presentations
- Mentorship
- Strategic comms
- Communicating in different formats/mediums
- Stakeholder/audience mapping
- Listening
- Strategy
- CALD/multicultural communities
- Collaborating with professional staff
- Comedy
- Failure
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Philanthropic funding